Paul Ehrlich School

Vocational school - technical school - technical college

school start

Information for the first day of school

  • Where do I have to go?

    If you are coming by public transport, walk south from Frankfurt-Höchst station for about 10 minutes.

  • What should I bring?

    Please bring a pen and a pad. You also need the contact details of a contact person in your company.

  • Where can I find accommodation?

    If you have a long commute, you may need accommodation.

  • Who can I contact if there are problems?

    Obstacles and problems can always arise in everyday life. Then it is good if there are competent contact persons with whom you can exchange ideas. The offer of our consulting team can be found here.

everyday questions

  • How do I get a school certificate?

    The easiest way is to fill out the form provided. As a rule, you can pick up the certificate on the school day after next during one of the breaks in the office.

  • Email to the class teacher

    In principle, you can contact your class teacher either via Moodle or by e-mail. The official email addresses are structured as follows:

  • Title or question

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
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